
Small Law Firm Marketing Trends for 2019, Get More Clients

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Many attorneys rely on networking with their colleagues or other businesses to generate referrals, but social media and SEO marketing trends for small law firms can also help get you there. At LeanLaw, we’ve written about marketing, social media and search engine optimization, but we thought it would also be good to hear from other experts.

Below we’ve curated three posts from outside websites to help you navigate your small law firm’s marketing, SEO and general outreach. We’ve found the experts so that you don’t have to spend the time looking for them.

Silver Platter. What are you waiting for? Read on…

What Marketing Trends Does Your Firm Need To Look Out For In 2019?

Black Fin gathered data from firm owners, founders, partners, marketing directors, and associate attorneys — the legal industry is made up of a variety of experiences and points of view.

The nature of the trends we include here cover a lot of different matters related to law firm marketing. This includes some new things that have been changing with Google, and some old things (like referrals) that are taking on new layers as the digital world progresses. Read more

How to Get More Cases for your Law Firm

Have you dealt with any of this recently?

  • Clients who can’t or won’t pay you on time.
  • Clients who need work outside of your area of focus.
  • Clients who abuse your time and your staff’s’ time.
  • Clients who don’t respect you and don’t value your expertise.
  • Potential New Clients (PNC) who ask a bunch of questions, take up a bunch of your time, and then don’t hire you.

If some or all of that sounds familiar… your marketing is at least part of the problem. Read more

Does Your Law Firm Marketing Keep The Wrong Clients Away?

There are more attorneys than ever before, over 1.3 million in the U.S. according to the American Bar Association. So how can you stand out? What can you do to generate more business for your law firm? Here are 12 ideas that may help you start generating more leads for your practice in 2019. Read more

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